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Sexual Changes
Sexual Changes

The name given to the sexual changes that occur in men and women in middle age is “life change”. It means the abandonment of one period of life and the beginning of another. Climacteric (anniversary); It is a broad combination of physical and emotional changes that accompany hormonal changes that occur in middle age in both men and women.

It constitutes the major turning point of a critical phase. The most common change is the gradual decrease in production ability in men and women. The end of age is more effective in women; because it becomes evident with a very obvious sign, such as the cessation of the lunar state. “Menopause” is the end point of the female age.

Male age is the gradual decrease in male productivity (Schianberg, 1985: 548-549).

  • Menopause: The word is derived from the Greek “men” meaning monthly and “pausis” meaning cut. It occurs between the ages of 40-55. It is the last point of the turning point in women. The cessation of estrogen hormone ends the ovulation process. Therefore, monthly bleeding also stops.

The ability to become pregnant, that is, to give birth to a child, is lost. However, the secretion of sex hormones does not stop abruptly; It is completed slowly in 1-2 years. The most obvious symptoms are; hot flashes, excessive sweating, dizziness, headache, mild blood pressure elevation, heart palpitations, fatigue, insomnia, nervousness, crying, hysterical fainting, depression, etc.

These annoying symptoms last until the end of menopause (Okyayuz, 1999:189-197).

During this period, some psychological changes are seen in women. These changes; It depends on the special personality of the woman, whether she had a peaceful and balanced spiritual life during her childhood and maidenhood, whether she marries voluntarily, whether her hormonal processes are regular or irregular.

Women who have lived a more or less happy life until menopause have less problems during this period. On the other hand, in those who have a complex childhood with excitement, psychotic disorders or various neuroses are seen in this period, such as melancholic depression. In other words, such disorders are more common in those who have an appropriate pre-existing structure.

However, women who become depressed with such feelings are only a small group (Adasal, 1977:145-146).

Cessation of the menstrual cycle does not mean the cessation of sexual activity; However, thinning of the vaginal wall, weakening of the production organs, and decrease in vaginal wetness during arousal make sexual intercourse difficult for some women.

In the 1960s, it was extremely common to administer estrogen to women to control menopausal symptoms. But today it is known that this method increases the probability of uterine cancer four to seven times. Despite its negative aspects, this treatment also has positive aspects (Onur, 1986:212).

Sexual Changes
Sexual Changes
  • Turn of age in men (Andropause): It occurs between the ages of 45-55. In the aging body, both sperm production and testosterone production decrease. But this decrease is gradual, never ending male productivity; Although testosterone and sperm decrease, it lasts until advanced ages. In this respect, it differs from the woman’s menopause (Schiamberg, 1985:549).

Some of the problems related to sexual power such as erection not being as fast as before, decrease in ejaculation time and power, and decrease in sexual desire are the main complaints. There may be a temporary neurasthenic state related to this. This is called “pseudo-neurasthenia”. In addition, this situation also affects the profession and working conditions.

Men in this situation have symptoms such as reluctance to work, relaxation of will, headaches, insomnia, irritability, and being under the influence of something. Although less than women, melancholic depression and paranoid jealousy reactions can be seen especially in those who drink too much.

During this period, there may be sexual fatigue and failure; Coldness towards a loved and respected spouse for years, being a Don-juan that people are surprised by, or marrying a very young girl can be seen. However, this situation can pass after a while with the psychological understanding of the man’s wife.

It is seen that; In general, most of the men who have strong and balanced nervous systems, who do not have a pre-psychotic structure, and who have an understanding family and professional environment can get through this period better. However; Men who have a bad adolescence period and always live with a willing and pessimistic future anxiety may experience effective crises with the participation of biological and psychological factors in this period (Adasal, 1977:148-149).

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