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Jung Theory
Jung Theory

Jung formed his “Spheres of Life understanding” based on his clinical studies and psychological theory. According to Jung, human life goes through four stages:

  • CHILDHOOD: This period lasts from birth to adolescence. There are no problems in the first years after birth; because the consciousness in the child is not yet organized and has a temporary character. That’s why he lives by his instincts. Their behavior is out of control. There is excessive dependence on the parent. According to him, the child may be a problem to his parents; but it has no problem of its own. Towards the end of this stage, with the prolongation of the memory duration and the formation of a sense of identity, the child begins to have a say in himself.


  • YOUTH AND YOUTH ADULT: According to Jung, physical and mental changes also increase with puberty. Adolescence is a very difficult period for a young person in his family and environment. In this period, the young person has to make various judgments about himself and adapt to social life. Childhood dreams are over now. The youth strives to meet the expectations of adult life. If the young person has come to this period by making the necessary preparations; can get through this transition period without any problems.

On the other hand, in young adulthood, the individual has to choose a profession and a job. So now it has been thrown into real life. This frightens the individual and causes some problems to occur. The individual does not want to grow up; He wants to remain a child.

  • MIDDLE AGE: This period begins between the ages of 35-40. The individual has now adapted to his environment, acquired a profession, got married and even had children; In other words, the individual has now become a part of society. However, there are some problems in this period as well. This is mostly due to the difficulties in accepting new values of a spiritual nature, which the individual is not ready for, with the entry into the second half of life.

These values are actually values that have always existed; however, it has been neglected due to youth mobility. Many people do not manage to get through this period in a healthy way. Many middle-aged people who have been successful in their profession, have a distinguished place in society, and have above-average intelligence are depressed because they have lost their enthusiasm for life.

They find their life extremely meaningless and empty. According to Jung: People; They fall into depression because they realize that they can no longer use the energy they spent to gain a place in the society, and that they must withdraw from this area because they have achieved their goals. In short, middle age is the time for people to know themselves and reach their inner depths.

  • SENESCENCE: This stage is similar to childhood in many ways. The individual is buried in the unconscious. He waits for the end without thinking ahead.

(In this section, sources named Onur, 1986:64-66 and Gençtan,1996: 193-195 were used.)

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